CASL Constitution

Canandaigua Area Soccer League, Inc.


The common name of this organization shall be known as the Canandaigua Area Soccer League (CASL), incorporated in the State of New York as Canandaigua Area Soccer League, Inc. in 1985 under subparagraph (a)(5) of section 102 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.



The purpose of the Canandaigua Area Soccer League is to educate youth in the sport and benefits of playing soccer by:

a)Providing several recreational soccer programs for children in Canandaigua and the surrounding areas.

b)Providing an opportunity for children in Canandaigua and the surrounding areas to participate in select teams for both boys and girls in connection with regional soccer organizations including, but not limited to the Rochester Area Youth Soccer League and Monroe County Girls Soccer League.

c)Promoting the sport of soccer in the community, with a primary focus on Fun, Fitness and Friendship.



Section 1. The organization shall be established as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization in the State of New York, County of Ontario.

Section 2. This organization shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan. No commercial enterprise shall be endorsed by it.

Section 3. If dissolution of the organization is necessary, the Executive Board shall submit to a vote at a regular or special meeting, with a recommendation to dissolve the organization.



Section 1. Any person interested in the objectives of the organization and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its by-laws may become a member.

Section 2. Adults can be voting members in the organization.



Section 1. The elected officers of the organization shall be:


b)Vice-President / Recreation

c)Vice-President / Travel




Section 2. The officers shall be elected bi-annually at the November annual meeting.

Section 3. A vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled by the Executive Board for the un-expired term.

Section 4. The term of office shall be two consecutive years.

Section 5. Officers may serve the following maximum terms of office:

a)President - maximum of two (2) consecutive terms.

b)Vice-President - maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.

c)Treasurer - maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.

d)Secretary - maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.

e)Past-President - maximum of one (1) consecutive term.

Section 6. Officers elected at the annual meeting will take office on the following January 1.



Section 1. The President shall:

a)Preside at all meetings of the organization.

b)Sign all documents and instruments that require the signature of the president.

c)Serve as a liaison to other area soccer club presidents.

d)Appoint chairpersons of the standing committees with approval of the Executive Board.

e)Perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.

f)Coordinate activities between the Recreation and Travel Divisions

g)Assure continuity in all club activities leading to a well-structured program

h)Maintain necessary liaison with NYSWYSA and USSF and interpret, enforce or defend the recommendations, rules, or laws applicable to each division

i)Approve all communications, publications, announcements, and advertisements made by CASL about its programs and purposes

Section 2a. The Vice-President / Recreation shall:

a)Assist the president and shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Executive Board.

b)Coordinate activities and processes necessary to mount the recreational soccer program including:

Maintaining the purpose and philosophy of the recreational soccer division

Attending the annual NYSWYSA meeting in November

Coordinating activities with designated committee volunteers

Coordinating resources and inter-committee communications

Assure timely completion of registration process

Supervise team selections and coaching assignments

Manage functional operations during the season

Section 2b. The Vice-President / Travel shall:

c)Assist the president and shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Executive Board.

d)Coordinate activities and processes necessary to mount the travel soccer program including:

Attending necessary coordination meetings with regional soccer clubs and coordinating that information with club activities

Maintaining the purpose and philosophy of the travel soccer division

Establishing and utilizing the Travel Committee as needed

Coordinating the travel try-outs

Coordinating activities with designated committee volunteers

Coordinating resources and inter-committee communications

Assure timely completion of registration process

Supervise team selections and coaching assignments

Manage functional operations during the season

Section 3. The Treasurer shall:

a)Receive all funds of the organization.

b)Pay out funds only as authorized by the Executive Board.

c)Keep an accurate record of all funds received and disbursed.

d)Present a written statement of accounts at every business meeting of the organization, and at other times as requested by the Executive Board.

Section 4. The Secretary shall:

a)Keep a record of all business meetings of the organization.

b)Conduct all correspondence for the organization under the direction of the President and / or the Executive Board.

Section 5. The Past-President shall:

a)Assist the president and shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Executive Board.



Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the organization and all standing committee chairpersons. A quorum for conducting business of the organization shall be six (6) members, three (3) of which shall be officers.

Section 2. The duties of the Executive Board are:

a)To transact business in the intervals between organizational meetings.

b)To approve the work plans of the committees.



Section 1. The rules contained in "Roberts Rules of Order Revised" shall govern this organization in all cases where applicable.



Section 1. This constitution may be amended at the November annual meeting by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership in attendance.